
Martinico on influences on the Legal Reasoning of the European Court of Justice

The journal "Boletín Mexicano de Derecho Comparado" has published a paper of Giuseppe Martinico on "Comparative Legal Studies and European Integration. Looking at the Origins of the Debate". This blog recommends it. Here is the abstract:

"The goal of this paper is to analyse the influence of American comparative lawyer's on the language of the European integration. As recent research in the legal field has demonstrated, European studies 'should pay more attention on the legal discourse that sustains the conceptions of law and legal politics underlaying European law' (H. Schepel-R. Wesseling 1997). In the writing of Europe, in fact, a very important role was played by legal scholars, especially by the American ones, who contributed in providing a common vocabulary to the language of European integration".

Here is the link: http://www.juridicas.unam.mx/publica/librev/rev/boletin/cont/122/art/art9.pdf

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